Tummy Tuck
What’s it address: Abdominal buldge and excess skin after pregnancy or weight loss
Recovery: 3-4 weeks
Technique: Will be individualized for you.
Anesthesia: Usually general anesthesia.
Can be combined with other procedures
The tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a common cosmetic procedure performed to tighten and tone the abdomen. It often involves removal of extra skin and tissue from the abdomen, tightening of the abdominal muscles, and repositioning the belly button. It is a powerful operation and can lead to a dramatic improvement in the shape and appearance of the abdomen.
Pregnancies and significant weight loss often leave patients with excess abdominal skin, stretched out abdominal wall muscles, and a distorted belly button. Sometimes it is impossible to regain a flat tummy with diet and exercise alone. That has nothing to do with will power and effort and everything to do with real changes to your anatomy that occurred during pregnancy or while carrying excess weight. The skin, muscles, and connective tissue between the muscles all get stretched out, and sometimes they don’t shrink back down optimally. This is what causes you to still look three months pregnant after getting back down to your normal body weight.
The best candidates for a tummy tuck are those that are at a stable weight they are happy with, but are unhappy with the appearance of their abdomen due excess skin and a persistent abdominal bulge.
Tummy tuck Consultation:
· Dr. McEwan will sit down with you and discuss your aesthetic goals at length, assess your overall health, and help you understand the potential outcomes of abdominoplasty. There are multiple different types of abdominoplasty and together we will decide which one is right for you.
The Procedure:
· Abdominoplasty is under general anesthesia and usually takes 3-to-4 hours, but can take longer depending on the amount of excess skin you have and technique we choose. The procedure is usually performed with an incision that courses low on the abdomen from hip bone to hip bone and a small incision around the belly button. The incisions are closed with dissolvable sutures. A lot of patients are candidates for a drain-less tummy tuck, but not everyone is. This will be determined at your consultation. For those that require surgical drains, most patients have them for 7-10 days after surgery.
· The recovery after a tummy tuck is a little longer than most other cosmetic surgeries. Most patients require help for at least a week or two. After two weeks, most patients are able to return to work and normal daily activities without significant assistance. Heavy lifting and strenuous physical activity should be avoided for at least a month. To help with postoperative discomfort, Dr. McEwan does nerve blocks with a long acting pain medication during your procedure. This helps with the discomfort dramatically during the first few days after surgery, which are usually the most significant.
Postoperative Care:
· Most of the care after a tummy tuck involves ensuring you have help with your day-to-day activities. There are usually not a lot of bandage changes or other specific medical care. Wearing an abdominal binder or compression garment is strongly recommended to help minimize swelling and for external support. The front of your abdomen will be a little snug for a few days and therefore it is often helpful to keep your hips bent a little to help relieve some of that tension.
· A tummy tuck is one of the most powerful cosmetic surgeries there is, and patients are usually extremely happy with their results. Appropriate candidates for the procedure can expect a flatter tummy and decreased waistline as well as improved confidence and self-esteem. As long as you maintain your weight through a healthy diet and exercise regiment, the results are permanent.